Travel on Sunday means you risk running into “less frequent”
travelers. Let’s call them amateurs. Some entertaining amateur scenes included the
extended family of seven trying to distribute the appropriate tickets to each other
in the security line and the lady that didn’t realize that you need to pull
your liquids out of your carry-on luggage for screening.
I understand many people only travel occasionally
and don’t know the TSA rules by heart. To help, the TSA folks stand in the screening area yelling the rules
at passengers like they’re the town crier with critical news. The yelling gets annoying since the
announcements take two minutes and the lines are 20 plus minutes in
length. The agents are on a continuous
loop like the Purple Rain cassette I got from my sister for Christmas in 1984. I listened to that thing constantly after
hearing the song “Darling Nikki”. My
point is you should know what you need to do by the time you hear the rules ten
times. When you get to the conveyor
belt, pull your computer out of your bag, get your liquids and gels out for
inspection, and take off your shoes.
Please wear socks, your feet freak me out a little bit because your toes
are not right.
Darling Nikki?! Wow.