Monday, May 20, 2013

Better flying through technology

There are plenty of arguments to be made that working with a person is better than with a computer.  A person can understand subtle nuances about challenging situations that a computer that relies on mathematics cannot understand.  However, the speed and precision of a computer can be pretty helpful.

Last week I was on my way to Texas and arrived at the airport my customary 1.5 hours before my flight.  I was passing the time on my tablet when I heard an announcement over the public address system that my flight is delayed due to a mechanical issue and that a new plane is being sent to replace the non-functional one.  Good, I don't want to fly in a non-functioning airplane.  The delay is expected to be 1 hour 20 minutes.  This would mean I landed for my connection at the exact moment my next flight would be departing.  This is not good. 

I stand up to talk with the gate agent and change my flight.  In the time it takes me to stand up and put my tablet in my backpack the line at the gate is at least 50 people long.  Instead, I grab my iPhone and check the Delta App.  Not only is my app aware that I'm delayed, it is suggesting new flights for me.  So, I start walking in the direction of the gate I know the suggested flight is departing from and accept the change in itinerary on my iPhone.  My new flight leaves in about 20 minutes, I am 50 feet away from the new departure gate, and I hope the app doesn't take too long to update my itinerary in the system.  A moment later I walk up to the gate desk and tell them I just changed flights on the Delta App.  The woman looks at me and asks if I am Jason.  Yes, I am, not only was the itinerary updated in the system immediately, I will be arriving an hour earlier, and the new flight and connection were upgraded to first class. 

My final worry was my checked bag scheduled for the other itinerary. The gate staff called down to the baggage handlers who would "do their best" to get my bag on my new flights.  I wasn't holding my breath.  I am very happy to say my expectations were exceeded.  I saw a man carry my bag to the conveyor belt in the plane I boarded.

I arrived early with my bag and had a great trip.  The only problem was the rental car agency didn't have my car ready an hour early.  I guess that will be in the next upgrade for the app?

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