Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The high road, I took it!

With Atlantic storm Sandy beating up New York and New Jersey flight delays and cancellations this week were rather common.  So, I was ecstatic that my flight was only going to be about 15 minutes delayed.  Like the Rolling Stones sang, Time was on my side.  Then we got the news that there was a mechanical problem and a new part was being flown in to fix our airplane.  That should only take about 5 hours!  I was a little distracted and was at the end of the line for rebooking my ticket.  I was reading and in the time it took me to mark my place and stow my book the rest of the passengers made a rush to the counter. 

I walked to another counter where the agents were set up to help.  I was still near the end of the line but it was much shorter than the other lines.  Near the front of the line was a short little man with a scrunched-up face.  I didn't like the cut of that man and it turns out I was right in my shallow assessment of him.  Many gate attendants helped us and were doing a pretty good job getting people booked on new flights.  But, they still had other duties of their job to accomplish.  The woman helping our line was asked to go do something she was supposed to be doing before the flight cancellation.  She made a quick announcement that she needed to run down stairs for a few minutes.  Little scrunched-up face blew up at her.  Luckily for us another agent did the task she was going to leave for and she was able to stay and continue working with our line.  Then he brags to his gang of scrunched-up faced biddies that he made her stay. 

I would like to say I defended the agent and derided the man for his childish and ignorant behavior but I remained quiet.  I figure, it looks worse for a 6'4" man to berate a small, scrunched-faced geriatric man than it is for that gnome to abuse a woman trying to do her job.

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